A single sensation dominates the mind, if you pray successfully.

— Neville Goddard

This is one of Neville’s most incredible quotes. You can meditate on this quote for weeks and still find value in its simplicity.

A single sensation dominates the mind, if you pray successfully.

What I love about this quote is that it’s such a beautiful reminder of distilling the feeling, the state, into one sensation.

So if you’re someone who has trouble deciding on what you want, decide on the sensation you want to capture.

What is one, single feeling that you want to pray for?

Is it a feeling of success?

A feeling of wealth?

A feeling of absolute freedom?

A feeling of health?

What would it feel to dominate your mind with a single sensation of health?

What would it feel like to dominate the mind with a single sensation of wealth?

What would it feel like to dominate the mind with a single sensation of freedom?

Try this out. Lie down on your bed, begin to meditate, and then focus in, hone in on one sensation. One single feeling. And let it ripple through your body. Let it ripple through your energy field.

So often we feel like we have to do MORE in our meditation, in our visualizations, as if we need to cram the entire vision for our life for the next 30 years into one session.

And what I love about this quote is how it, in one sentence, simplifies everything to the bare essential:

A single sensation dominates the mind, if you pray successfully.

Make this your goal today. Find 20 minutes in your day, lie down, turn off the lights, close your eyes, and allow a single sensation to dominate your mind.

If you enjoyed today’s insight, you may enjoy my course, Unlock God Mode.

Unlock God Mode is a unique course that mixes the spiritual and the practical to bring you back into the momentum of your life, and help you shift to your highest, most ideal timeline.

Inside the course, you’ll find a delightful exploration of reality creation, manifestation, and Neville Goddard. You’ll be given practical tools to develop trust and faith in yourself, work on your beliefs, and develop a deep connection with the Divine.

I am delighted to share with you the first six lessons of my course for free.